Throughout its long history, due to its authority and strong presence in the international scientific and broader academic world, the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki has produced remarkable results with regards to international relations and its cooperation with foreign academic institutions.
Within such a context, the Department of International Relations is the one responsible for coordinating and administering the Agreements on Scientific Cooperation which the university has signed a hundred and eighty eight (188) corresponding universities or equivalent higher education institutions in Europe, the Balkan and Black Sea countries, Russia, the U.S.A., Canada, the Near, Middle and Far East.
Some of these universities are the following:
- State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) – Brazil
- York University – Canada
- Peking University – China
- Beihang University – China
- Shanghai University – China
- Shanghai International Studies University – China
- Chinese Academy of Social Sciences – China
- City University of Hong Kong – China
- University of Cyprus – Cyprus
- University of Cologne – Germany
- University of Okayama – Japan
- Chiba University – Japan
- Jordan University of Science and Technology – Jordan
- National Autonomous University of Mexico – Mexico
- Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation – Russia
- Lomonosov State University – Russia
- Moscow State Institute of International Relations – Russia
- People’s Friendship University – Russia
- Ulsan University – S. Korea
- University of Illinois at Chicago – U.S.A.
- The University of Alabama – U.S.A.
These agreements in all domains benefit the faculty members, the students and the academic institutions that are actively involved.
Moreover, the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki has signed Memoranda of Understanding with:
- Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Centre at Harvard University (BIDMC) – U.S.A.
- Arab Academy for Science and Technology and Maritime Transport – Egypt
- Kobe Univerity – Japan
- Seoul National University – S. Korea
- Pontifical and Royal University of Santo Tomas – Philippines
In accordance with the content of most of these agreements, the faculty members of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki are given the opportunity to meet faculty members of other universities with the aim to develop research collaborations and programmes for the benefit of the academic community, as well as carry out teaching activities and give lectures which will contribute to the transfer of scientific knowledge.
In addition, many of these agreements offer:
- A certain number of monthly scholarships to undergraduate or postgraduate students in order to attend the intensive summer course of the School of Modern Greek Language (16th August – 15th September each year).
- Scholarships to undergraduate and postgraduate students of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in order to attend summer culture and language courses in universities abroad (i.e. Al. I. Cuza University of Iasi – Romania, University of Belgrade – Serbia, University of Arts Belgrade – Serbia , St. Kliment Ohridski – Bulgaria e.t.c.) as well as conduct part of their studies in the collaborating universities (i.e. York University – Canada, Trinity College of University of Dublin – Ireland, The Ecoles Centrales de Lille, Lyon, Marseille, Nantes and Paris – Frane in the frame of T.I.M.E. Network, Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST), e.t.c.
The Department of International Studies carries out the actions necessary for the representatives of the Aristotle University, that is, its rector, deputy rectors or faculty members, to participate in International Colloquia (International Association of Universities, European Association of Universities, etc.), and thus keep up with and contribute to decisions and actions regarding studies and higher education, in general.
The agreements drawn up between the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and corresponding universities or equivalent higher education institutions abroad are governed by the regulation approved by the Senate of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, upon the recommendation of the International Relations Committee (decision no. 2734/17-10-2001, 2770/29-6-2005 and 2797/23-1-2008).
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Department of International Relations
Administration Building “K. Karatheodori”, ground floor
University Campus
54124 Thessaloniki
Tel: +30 2310 996742, +30 2310 995307, +30 2310 991341, +30 2310 991605
Fax: +30 2310 991621