Aristotle University Orchestra

The Orchestra of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki was founded in February 1999, based on the belief that music could provide the faculty members and students of the Aristotle University with the opportunity to build closer ties with each other and with the city of Thessaloniki.
All members of the Aristotle University responded to the call, expressing their genuine interest in founding the Orchestra. Within four months, about forty students from all Schools of the Aristotle University joined the Orchestra. Today, the Orchestra consists of more than seventy members, and it keeps attracting the interest of outstanding faculty members, students and citizens in general.

The Orchestra performs concerts with programmes including symphonic repertoire from Bach to the present, participating in the events organized by the University annually (on October 28th, March 25th, during Christmas, the student week celebrations, etc.). Moreover, the Orchestra cooperates with the Choirs of the University, performing pre-classical, classical and modern repertoire.
The Orchestra has given concerts in many Greek cities and has participated in various Greek and international festivals, being enthusiastically received from audiences. The Orchestra is financially supported by the Aristotle University Property Development and Management Company.

The Organizing Committee of the Orchestra consists of the following members:

  • Stella Lavva,  Assoc. Professor School of Fine and Applied Arts
  • Nikolaos Varsakelis, Professor, School of Economics
  • Costas Tsougras, Professor School of Music Studies
  • Giorgos Sakallieros, Professor School of Music Studies
  • Vladimiros Symeonidis, Assoc. Professor School of Music Studies
  • Artistic director: Vladimiros Symeonidis, Assoc. Professor,  School of Music Studies

Contact: Vladimiros Symeonidis

Facebook: “Ορχήστρα Αριστοτελείου Πανεπιστημίου – Aristotle University Orchestra” 

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