Participation in International Organizations, Unions and University Networks

The Aristotle University of Thessaloniki is a member of the following Organizations, Unions, and University Networks:

1. IAU – International Associations Network

2. EUA – European Universities Association

3. Institute of International Education (IIE),

4. EAIE – European Association for International Education

5. ESMU – European Center for Strategic Management of Universities

6. α) Balkan Universities Network (BUN)
The Protocol:

   β) Balkan Universities Association (BUA) 2015

Protocol 2015,

7. EMUNI (Euro-Mediterranean University)

8. European University Centre at Peking University

9. EUPRIO – European Universities Information & Relations Office

10. Utrecht Network

11. European Language Council

12. EAN – European Access Network

13. World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine

14. TIME – Top Industrial Managers Europe

15. TII – Technology Innovation Information

16. ERA-MORE – European Network of Mobility Centers


18. A.D.E.E. – Association for Dental Education in Europe

19. C.I.P.A. – International Committee on Monument Documantation

20. E.E.G.E.C.S. – Network on European Education in Geodetic Engineering, Cartography and Surveying 2005/?lang=en

21. CESAER – Conference of European Schools for advanced Engineering, Education and Research

22. SEFI – Societe Europeene pour la Formation des Ingenieurs (European Society for Engineering Education)

23. E.C.P.R. – ESU European Consortium for Political Research- European Summer University

24. RMEI – Reseau Mediterraneen Des Ecoles D’ Ingenieurs

25. ATHENS Network

26. European Language Council/ Conseil Europen pour les Langues (ELC/CEL)

27. Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF)

28. International Geothermal Center,

29. TETHYS Euro-Mediterranean Universities Consortium,

30. RURSE (Regional Unit for integrated risk and security Management for South East Europe)

31. CHERNE Network (Cooperation for Higher Education on Radiological & Nuclear Engineering)

32. Paul Ehrlich MedChem Euro-Phd Network

33. SEENET – MTP (Southeastern European Network in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics) 

34. University Consortium Africa and Mediterranean

35. BSUN – Black Sea Universities Network

36. COST – European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research

          α) MPNS COST Action,

          β) ESSEM COST Action,

          γ) MPNS COST Action,

37.  EUNIS – European University Information Systems Organization,

38.  EJTA – European Journalism Training Association,


40. Magna Charta Observatory,

41. European University Foundation – Campus Europae,

42. ASECU – Association of Economic Universities of South and Eastern Europe and the Black Sea Region,

43. Student Chapter of the Society of Economic Geologists at AUTh,

44. EAEVE – European Association of the Establishments for Veterinary Education,


46. Society for the Law of the Eastern Churches,  Society for the Law of the Eastern Churches (

47. Consociatio Internationalis Studio luris Canonici Promovento,

48. EUFORGEN – European Forest Genetic Resources Network,

49. IFLA – International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions,

50. LIBER – Association of European Research Libraries, Home – LIBER Europe

51. AESOP – Association of European Schools of Planning,

52. ALERT – Geomaterials (Alliance in Europe for Education Research and Technology),

53. AECEF – Association of European Civil Engineering Faculties,

54. SDSN-Greece,   Secretariat:

55. Black Sea & Eastern Mediterranean Academic Network – BSEMAN

56. Scholars’ at Risk Network,       Scholars’ at Risk Network (Greece Section)

57. World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), 

58. The Silk and The Road Universities Network, 

59. Giovani nel Mondo,

60. CMU – Community of Mediterranean Universities

61. European School of sustainability Science and Research (ESSSR)

62. Cercles: European Confederation of Language Centres in Higher Education,

63. UNESCO UniTwin CS–DC

64. European Patent Office

65. International Consortium for Area and Global Studies (SISU)

66. Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute, China (CIMWRM) 

67. EO4GEO Alliance About EO4GEO – EO4GEO


69. Regional Network Universities and Cities

70. EAIE

71.Silk Road International Alliance of Architecture and Technological Universities (XAUAT)

72. European Gravitational Observatory (EGO)

73. Rector’s Forum of Southeast Europe and Western Balkans

Ενώσεις φοιτητών

  1. A.I.E.S.E.C. – Association Internationale des Etudiants en Sciences Economiques et Commerciales
  2. IAESTE – The International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience
  3. B.E.S.T. – Board of European Students of Technology
  4. HelMSIC –
  5. AEGEE- European Students Forum
  6. ACM,
  7. ELSA,
  8. ESN,
  9. IEEE,
  10. ΟΔΑK,
  11. LEGIS – Legal Aspects of Information Society,
  12. COMVOS,
  13. GnM Association – International Careers Festival –
  14. IVSA, International Veterinary Students’ Association,
  15. SDSN Youth,
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