Dear colleague,
I would like to invite you to participate in the:
“3rd Workshop on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies – NN06”
that will be held in Thessaloniki, Greece, on 10-12 July 2006.
The Workshop is the annual meeting of the front-line researchers, scientists, engineers and industry experts specialized in the field of Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies. NN06 is the leading nanotechnology forum in the South European region and continues to build on the strong foundation created in 2003.
NN06 key objective is also to promote profound scientific discussions, networking and collaboration between different academia, research and industry players in the field and to stimulate the exchange of educational concepts. The Workshop sessions will cover the most advanced topics and subjects in the multidisciplinary areas of:
– Nanobiotechnology & Nanomedicine,
– Nanomaterials, nanoengineering & Nanomechanics,
– Thin Films, Magnetic Materials and Spintronics,
– Nanoelectronics, Flexible Electronics and Nanophotonics,
– Nanotechnology in Energy & Environment
– Theoretical & Computational Modelling at the Nanoscale,
– Nanotechnology Instruments and Tools,
– Nanotechnology in Safety & Education,
– Commercializing Nanotechnology,
and will include invited lectures from leading scientists and industry experts, oral and poster presentations, and nanotechnology instrumentation exhibition and surrounding events.
Special emphasis in NN06 will be given to the participation and contribution of young researchers and students.
More details about the program will be given in the NN06 website (
Looking forward to seeing you in Thessaloniki in July.
Best Regards
Prof. Stergios Logothetidis
NN06 Chairman
Πληροφορίες Συνεδρίου/Ημερίδας
10 Ιουλίου 2006, 12:00 πμ - 12 Ιουλίου 2006, 12:00 πμ
Thessaloniki, Greece
Πληροφορίες Επικοινωνίας
Οργάνωση Συνεδρίου/Ημερίδας